Because we focus on developing talent, we don't waste time finding it, it finds us.
Phatcamp is a talent development agency that helps students and young professionals making a career within the creative industries. We want to close the gap between this new generation and the actual work field by actively guiding them, feeding them with knowledge and also getting them to work. By doing so we are also a gateway to this talent for the industry itself. Everyday we are developing event crew, interns young professionals. By personally coaching them and helping them gain the desired experience we are surround by a group of eager and intrinsically motivated youngsters that are ready to make their mark on the industry.
Our mission is to guide the next generation of event professionals. With our academy we attempt to bridge the gap between them and the actual workfield. We facilitate the workfield in sharing their knowledge with our community of students and young professionals. We organize events, offer talent programs and produce educational content for our crew and community.